| Takes 10 days to travel anywhere in capsule corp ship. Takes 8 days to travel anywhere in saiyan space pod. Takes 6 days to travel anywhere in a Changeling Ship. Takes 4 days to travel anywhere in a space cruzier. Planets: NAME: Earth SPECIAL TRAINING: None FOLLOWERS: Starts off at: PL: 300 HP: 50 MOVES: NONE STATUS: NONE NAME: Namek SPECIAL TRAINING: Namekian Sparring(2500pl,2000hp) ITEMS ONLY ON PLANET:Guru Touch(x3 pl and hp)(only used once), FOLLOWERS: starts off at: PL: 350 HP: 60 MOVES: Bukujutsu STATUS: NONE NAME: Vegeta SPECIAL TRAINING: Saiyan Army training(3000pl and 2000hp) ITEMS ONLY ON PLANET:Vegeta implants(gives you a 30% pl and hp raise every two months) FOLLOWERS: starts off at: PL: 400 HP: 100 MOVES: Big bang attack STATUS: NONE NAME: Frezia SPECIAL TRAINING: King Cold training(3500pl and 1000hp) ITEMS ONLY ON PLANET: Frezia metal look(gives you 10% more protection in battles) FOLLOWERS: starts off at: PL: 600 HP: 200 MOVES: Solar flare STATUS: NONE NAME: Kaioshen SPECIAL TRAINING: Z-Sword training(4000pl and 3000hp) ITEMS ONLY ON PLANET: Z-Sword FOLLOWERS: starts off at: PL: 800 HP: 1000 MOVES: Solar flare STATUS: NONE NAME: King Kai's Planet(Must be dead,Next Dimension) SPECIAL TRAINING: King Kai training(triples your stats) ITEMS ONLY ON PLANET: Kaioken training(makes you blows stronger by 20%)